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2018 Paris Exhibition
Online Paintings Gallery
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1. Rose-veined leaves #1
40" x 30", Oil on Canvas
2. Rose-veined leaves #2
40" x 30", Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #1)
(a pair with #1)
3. Marvelous Organic Shapes (a pair with #4)
36" x 48", Oil on Canvas
( a pair to #4)
( a pair to #4)
4. Intertwining Leaves (a pair with #3)
36" x 48" , Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #3)
(a pair with #3)
5. Romantic leaf shapes #1
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas (a pair with #5)
6. Romantic leaf shapes #2
36" x 36" , Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #5)
(a pair with #5)
7. Leaf patterns
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
8. Elegant leaves #1
36" x 48", Oil on Canvas (a pair with #9)
9. Elegant leaves #2
36" x 48", Oil on Canvas (a pair with #8)
10. Study of Leaves #1
30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #11)
(a pair with #11)
11. Study of leaves #2
30" X 30", Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #10)
(a pair with #10)
12. Among the Rushes
30" x 40", Oil on Canvas
13. Flora in the meadow
30" x 40", Oil on Canvas
14. Golden rushes on blue water
24" x 24", Oil on Canva
15. Path through the golden forest #1
30" x 40", Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #16)
(a pair with #16)
16. Path through the golden forest #2
30" x 40", Oil on Canvas
(a pair with #15)
(a pair with #15)
17. Golden light
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
18. Natural grasses
30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
19. Color of reeds
30 x 40, Oil on Canvas
20. Waters in the distance
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
21. Grasslands
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
22. Misty stream
30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
23. Wandering waters #1
A diptych with #24; 30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
24. Wandering waters #2
A diptych with #23; 30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
25. Misty distance
36" x 36" , Oil on Canvas
26. Watery marshes
30" x 40", Oil on Canvas
27. Tree patterns
30" x 30", Oil on Canvas
28. Flowers in the meadow
30" x 24". Oil on Canvas (NOTE UNUSUAL SIZE)
29. Cool waters
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
30. Glowing fields #1
36” by 36”, Oil on Canvas
31. Glowing fields #2
36 " x 36 ", Oil on Canvas
32. Windows on life #1
30" x40" . Oil on Canvas
33. Windows on life #2
36" x 36, Oil on Canvas
34. Windows on color - Blue
36" x 36", Oil on Canvas
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